Friday, August 03, 2007

First day of the 3rd and 2nd grade.....

Okay, so my 2 little babies (that are 7 and 8) finished their first day of school yesterday. They both had a great day. Lainey said her stomach hurt on and off all day and all last night she complained of a tummy ache. She hasn't eaten very well the last few day, so I'm not sure whether it's nerves or what. Well, today she got all ready for school (crying through the entire process), got in the car so daddy could take them and he returns with guess who? LAINEY....Those tears actually worked really well on him. She has not eaten today and it's 1:30 and I really do think she might have a little bug. Oh well, the first full week is next week and I expect a full recovery over the weekend. We've taken this same pic every year since Hud started kindergarten. I'll have to go through my old pics later and do a side by side comparison. Oh I know you all are on the edge of your seat!
Lainey had a little forced smile here.
Super tough guy here acts like I'm not even standing right in front of him.

Doesn't he just look like a smart little chap?

This is Hudson on the Very 1st day of school sitting on his throne, outside the nurse's office waiting for me to bring his excema cream. Oh my!
Not all of you know this, but my kids are actually the KING and QUEEN of the nurse's office. It's quite a title to have. Here's what you have to do to earn the title.
1. Go to the nurse approximately 4-5 times per week.
2. When mommy returns the nurses phone calls, my name does not come up on her caller ID, only my # and she answers the phone "hey Rhonda".
3. You actually escort other children to the nurse's office that have never been, because you go on a daily basis.
4. During the hours of 7:45am to 2:45pm, I can almost just answer the phone at my house by saying "hello Kristi" (the nurse).
5. Problems you have to go to the nurse are:
itching excema (Hudson)
itching bug bite (Lainey)
my eyes itch (Lainey)
my tummy hurts (Lainey)
I have a headache (Hud and Lainey)
my tooth fell out (Hud and Lainey)
and the list goes on.....
Gotta' love the school nurse for patience! Gotta' love the kids for being kids!

Puffy red-eyed Lains...

I can't remeber if this look says "please don't go" or "please stop taking pictures".
I was making sounds like I would make to get Ben to laugh. Hey maybe it was a little embarrassing, but look at that smile.
Still smiling...
You're leaving?!@#* :()
Oh yes, before I forget, my little Lainey Lu Lu had her picture in the West Valley newspaper today. I do not have our scanner hooked up, but I will try to get it scanned and on the blog. Her gymnastics place is having a fundraiser on Saturday. So the photographer came to class on Tuesday and took pics to post about the event. She was doing her thing up on the balance beam. So cute!

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