Sunday, February 07, 2010

Whooo Hoooo Super Bowl Sunday...or so I thought:(

Have enough food for a small army.
Mom and Ernie are staying with us.
Jonathan and family are coming over.
Nana coming over.

Suppose to be Fun day!

Sean wakes up at 5am... sick...

I hear a splat on the floor at 5:30am...

Ty makes it to the bathroom, but the toilet lid is shut so he throws up ON it instead (along with every surface in the bathroom.

He takes a bath...poor baby.

I sanatize, steam mop, etc. until 6am.

Sleep until I hear Ty again. Thankfully the trash can is nearby.
Everyone awake.
Ernie and I take an Airborne.
Have breakfast, except Sean and Ty, who still can't keep a sip of water down.
Ben paints a couple pictures and acts silly all morning.
Ben says "mommy, by tummy hurts". Thinking he's just copying Ty I say "okay Ben. If you need to throw up, you go to the toilet okay?" "okay mommy".
2 seconds later...
I'm carrying Ben to bathroom as he makes a trail from kitchen to bathroom. Yum!
I slip in his mess...don't fall though...good times.
Ben in bath.
Mom and Ernie and Lainey go to church.
I would leave if I could.
Hudson just told me he's sick.
Yes, yes indeed...these are good times.
Party Cancelled...

And I don't even like the stupid Super Bowl. I just like the party. Whaaaaaaa!

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