Saturday, May 05, 2007


May 4.......Three years ago today my dad gave new meaning to the phrase "died and gone to heaven". I can just see his grin on his face as his Savior told him "well done, good and faithful servant". He was looking forward to the day when he would hear that and I just bet he did. Dad was such an amazing man of God and I know that he did Him proud.


I can't believe it's been 3 years since I saw your face. Alot has changed since you left us. Your little Huddy Buddy turned eight a couple of weeks ago. He turned 5 the day you went into the hospital. It's hard to believe you've missed that much. He still remembers you like you were here yesterday and often tells stories of things that you two did together. He can get me emotional so easily when talking about you, because I remember the special relationship you had with him. You were such an awesome Papa. Lainey Girl is a "mini me", attitude and all. She is turning 7 on Sunday. You would get a kick out of seeing how much she is like me. She is my little helper. You could have had her clean your office for you! Oh and Tyger Ty. He was just a baby when you saw him last. What a handsome little 4 year old he is. He has this hilarious little "tough guy" way about him. We taught him how to ride his bike without training wheels last year, just like you did with Lainey and Hud on that little grass hill across the street. He had it down in 5 minutes. I remember when you were in the hospital, I said that I would never have another kid, because you wouldn't ever see them. Well, meet Benjamin Ronald Perry. He has the middle name of my first love. Of course, you would have been at the hospital my entire labor, just like the other 3. I missed that, but mom was there. Can you believe I let her stay in the room during delivery? I think she really enjoyed that. He is such a joy to us. He has curly hair. No, I don't know where he got it, because I'm still married to Sean! By the way, you would be so proud of Sean. I know you were already, but he has done so well over the past couple of years and I wish you were here to see his achievements. For him, losing you was like losing the dad he never had. I know he misses you alot. Well, this has become longer than my usual short little corney poem. Shortly after you died, the kids kept asking if you took your cell phone so we could just call you. I sure wish you took it. What were you thinking! There's so much more I could tell you, but I guess it will wait. I love you- R (your favorite daughter, oh wait, your only daughter)

To my family, friends and anyone else that may read this:
1. No, I am not crazy to think my dad actually reads this.
2. I'm just jotting a few things I'd like to say
3. I am healing, believe it or not!
4. It's 1am, so now it's May 5th. Happy Cinco de Mayo! What am I doing awake?
5. I have a crying HEADACHE and swollen eyes!

1 comment:

Candy said...

thanks alot now I have a crying headache too...Oh girl I am so glad you wrote this its so YOU!!! and your Dad would LOVE IT!!!!