Thursday, June 28, 2007

Circus Circus...

No, we are not goin to Las Vegas. I have been wanting to take the kids to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for about 3 years now. I just never seem to know the circus is here until it's gone. Well I saw it on the news this morning and got right online. We got 3rd row seats, TONIGHT!!! YES! I think I'm more excited than the to come...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Benji Benji Boo Boo.....

Just had some cute pics of my Benny Boy from the last couple of weeks in San Diego. So this is a whole post dedicated to him. He has his 15 month Dr. appt. tomorrow, so I'm sure we will have cranky baby... Sleeping at the pier
I'm going to climb over your deck here grandma and don't you try to help me back there.

I'm pretty sneaky....
Now I'm going to go fish in your little pond...
This is a couple weekends ago. We were watching J & K's kids. I brought all the other kids a popsicle. Ben and Ava were like "HELLO LADY, WHAT ABOUT OURS?" So I stripped them both to their diapers and threw them in the baby pool. Fun stuff!!!

Back at grandmas....
Oh grams, I tried to touch your new pretty things on this table, but I burnt my finger...
Snoozing still at the pier...

Here grandma, let me help you clean up this soil...
Yep, I got some in the bucket...
You know how I know daddy isn't here? LOOK HOW DIRTY I AM!!!!
This has a little bit of flavor, but I think I still like yogurt better.
All I'm gonna scoop myself up.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Oh yeah, the "award winning photo" .....and more pics of San Diego...

Down at the pier next to Hudson's Seafood. Yes, Hud is very proud of this restaurant and used to actually ask if we were going to "his" restaurant. I think he's out grown that now. He's getting so big.
Nice mom, you are wearing jeans and a jacket and I have shorts on. Hello!
Ty after he smashed his finger. Turned purple down to the knuckle and got huge. He's Mr. Tough though and is fine.
Mom's mini-makeover in the corner nook by the fire.
Ben looks like he's about to attack something.

Love my grammy!
Isn't my mom the cutest. Love her!
Miss Poser, again...

I see you back there mommy.
One of our favorite places to eat. Along with Point Loma Seafoods, Miguels, Anthony's.....oh the list could go on and on and on....I can not stop eating fresh fish while I'm there. It is so good. Hence the no pics of me. I think I gained 20 lbs. that week.


And the tree house begins....

So the kids have sent Ernie tree house plans and a list supplies that he will need. What else was he suppose to do but build them one. He ordered 4 books on the subject. So this last week when the kids and I were there he got started. They got the floor done, which was the hardest part. Now the next time we come out the fun begins with walls, windows, and trap doors...

Not sure you're going to hit the nail while looking at me Hud.
Whew, I'm worn out.
Hummm....what else can we add to this thing...

If you look closely you can see Ernie up in the avocado tree. That is where they have built the new work of art.
Ernie and Hud worked hard all day....
while these two were hardly working and just came in for the fun part of hammering the floor in place.

Thanks for doing this for the kids Ernie. They are so excited about it.

San Diego at mom's house...

This electric wire might keep the skunks from eating your fish, but not me. (yes people, the fence was off. )
Hey Lainey, can you fetch me the fishing net down there?
Just took some pics of the flowers in the backyard....
Lain trying to catch the fish. Poor fish. I think Ernie has to go buy new ones everytime we leave. Ty likes to get them out and carry them around. Not in a cup of water, but in his hand.

My beautiful baby girl.

Lainey and Ty helping grandma peel nectarines.
Looks like they have plenty more to keep them busy.

Sorry so many pics of flowers, but they were so pretty.