Thursday, September 20, 2007


UPDATED TO ADD: Tyger is scheduled for surgery in the morning at 8am. Please keep him in your prayers (and mommy). I am completely terrified of general anesthesia. YIKES! They are going to straighten his arm further and possibly add a pin.
Once again it's "PERRY FAMILY DRAMA"...

Here are a couple pics of Ty's xrays from last night. (NO YOU ARE NOT READING THIS WRONG, I DID TYPE TY, YES LAINEY DID BREAK HER ARM ON SUNDAY AND JUST GOT HER CAST TUESDAY!!! NO, WE DID NOT TAKE HER WITH US TO THE ER, NOR WILL WE BE GOING BACK TO THE SAME ORTHO DR. ESPECIALLY SINCE HE WAS TELLING ME TO COME BACK ANYTIME AND I COMMENTED THAT WE WOULD PROBABLY BE IN WITH MY CRAZY 4 YEAR OLD IN THE FUTURE....JUST MY LUCK! ) He is so tough. Not a tear shed, even when they put the IV in. When they said they were going to put him to sleep to set his arm of course that did not go over well with me, but he did fine. He has to have go to an orthopedic doc tomorrow to possibly have his arm reset and recast. WHAT!!! Apparently ortho docs don't just make non-emergent visits to the hospital, so the ER just does the best they can for the time being. Poor little fella is having some pain this morning, but over all is doing well. I attached a couple of pics. It was very obvious when I picked him up after he fell, that it was broken. You can see in one of the pics how his arm isn't quite going the right direction.
Wish us luck with the other 2 healthy children...

No, the bone sticking out to the side is NOT suppose to be there.

Can anyone find the break here.

Or here...

Trying to wake up from some sleepy juice. Pics aren't very good because they are from my camera phone. Sweet boy!

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