Monday, February 26, 2007


Hudson wants to grow his hair out. He swears if we just let him grow it out, it will be curly like Ben's. PROBLEM- he has board straight Indian hair, that grows straight out, like he stuck his finger in a light socket, JUST LIKE DADDY. I told him he could grow it out until we got back from Hawaii. Well daddy was not having it and took both boys to the barber after church yesterday. Didn't get an after shot, but he looks 100 x better. Daddy takes the boys and himself every 3 weeks to the barber, at $22 a person. WHAT??? CRAZY!!! Yesterday I told him we must invest in a nice razor set, so I can start doing it for them. So from here on out, NO MORE BARBER. Can you imagine all the other things I could get for $66 a month. LET'S THINK!?@#$
MISS LAINEY LOU LOU, doing her homework. I will be cutting about 5 inches off this hairdo today. It's getting quite stringy. She want to get it cut into a bob, but daddy says no. ANY OPINIONS? (leave comment)
After shot of Tyger with haircut. He would get a haircut every other day, because they give him a lollipop after. The glitter he's holding was dumped all over the floor shortly after this pic was taken. If you ask him who did it, "I don't know".
Yummy, good car!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a really cute hairstyle for you Lainey... Check out my page.