Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A little B-Day fun!

You know that movie called The Christmas Story, about the little boy who wants the BB gun for Christmas? The part where the little brother acts like a piggy at the table. Well, Tyger can do a pretty mean impression of that scene. Little Goof! Daddy freaks about the mess.
Imagine That!
Hudson had his award ceremony last night for Basketball at Peter Piper. This is him with his coach, getting his trophy. Go White Tigers!

Ben enjoyed a WHOLE cupcake for Ty's B-Day. He ate the entire thing and licked his fingers for an hour after. How about that orange nose from eating so much orange baby food.

Kandi's Birthday was also yesterday. Ty couldn't understand why aunt Kandi had her birthday on the same day as his. I was in labor all day with him on the 6th and Kandi was coaching me to make it to the 7th, for her b-day. Well, I made it...a few minutes past midnight.

Miss Ava and her mommy Kandi.

Happy Birthday Kandi!

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