Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More catching up....

I have been ignoring this blog, because I got so far behind. So I'm just going to post some pics in no particular order. Right now I'm in San Diego visiting my mom. I left a steamy 105 degree weather for 65+ wonderful weather. Mom and I have been shopping our hearts out for her to redecorate, but can't seem to come up with a theme. Her house is so close to the beach and so cottage like. So I think we've come up with a beachy, light, airy cottage theme. Hope to update with pictures of her home makeover in the future. You know I can't go without redecorating something for more than a few months. Well this disease of constantly redoing things has been inherited from the mother bear, AKA ~Carol. Lainey went to Libby Lou in leiu of an big party. But on her actual birthday Kandi and Jeremy had everyone over for the Suns game and we had cake and opened gifts. It was a great time.
FORGET the other gifts after she opened her gift from grandma which was a CELL PHONE! Oh the joy...for grandma's punishment I let Lainey call her as many times a day as she wishes...HA!
And the phone calls begin...this is her for the next 2 days...unfortunately for everyone else, the only phone #'s she has is uncles, aunts and grandmas...
I've wanted Lainey to have a Cabb@ge Patch doll so much and LIKE it. But NOOOOO, the girl is not interested in them. These dolls were like precious jewels to me as a little girl. I LOVED them. She was a good sport, but I think this picture is the first and last time she's touched the thing. WHATEVER- I'll play with little Stacy Heather myself.
Ben, ready for a nap.
Me and my baby girl.
The BIG 7...
Lainey and cousin Colt...
Lain and cousin Libby...
Lainey and quirky smiling little bro, Tyger Ty...

My little nephew Ryland turned one on May 5. He was really enjoying this cupcake.
This is some good S****. If you actually counted the astericks I meant to type STUFF. Ha, okay bad joke. I'm really not a cusser. People don't put me on the prayer chain....just yet.

Oh my gosh. This kid is so cute! Soon to come I have an award winning photo of this child. Stay tuned...

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