Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lainey Jean turns NINE...

Her first day of kinder...
I had a bunch of old pics scanned into my computer, because Lain just had a timeline of her life due at school. So these are just some old pic we put in her timeline. I haven't done this for the other kids on my blog, so now I feel like I'm playing favorites, but PULEEEEASE, everyone knows moms don't have favorites. Now I have to get busy and dig up old pics of my other kids....feeling guilty:)

Look at my sweet babes!

Looks like Hudson had a little jealousy and Libby is just like "can we go now"

Oh my gosh, no one will ever know how much work and mothering this child does. She is like Ben's second mom. Wait she is everyone's second mom, including me and Sean! Sometimes she treats Ben like he's 3 months instead of 3 years and you can see he sucks it all in

This is at one of Hud's football games.(before the haircut obviously, ugh)
I can't remember if I've already posted some of these. But this is from a few months ago, when she had 4 teeth pulled out. The orthodontist wanted to make a little more space in that tiny mouth. She had to be put in a twilight sleep and was quite the silly drunk...

She and her best friend, Idalis had a "crystal light stand" and made $16. Pretty good for an hour's work.

Today, I will take cookies to her class. Then she is having a couple friends over for makeovers (mani's, pedi's and such:), then her dinner of choice is crab legs, twice baked potatoes, and Cesear salad with croutons! Her cake is strawberry with vanilla frosting and strawberries on top! She isn't specific or anything. QUEEN for a day!
Sweet Lainey girl, you are the one.
Who makes our lives so much fun.
Why are you growing so fast?
I want my baby girl days to last.
Always know, I love you so;
to the highest heights and the depths below.
Love- Mommy

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