Monday, October 23, 2006


For some reason Ty got the worst of it. The more he cried, they more they tortured him. My poor baby! It was about 5pm and getting quite chilly outside. When I had to hose him off afterwards, it didn't go so well. COLD!

Mom and Ernie have this backyard that is a child's playground. No there are no toys, except the swing that Ernie hung in the tree, which they love. But, there are just huge avacado trees, lots of collected stuff (ha, ha Ernie), a small goldfish pond, and dirt, dirt, dirt. Now that just sounds like a backyard I could spend hours in as a child, and my kids did. I was helping my mom paint in her kitchen and the kids had been playing in the backyard all day. Earlier in the week Ernie had dug up a huge stump, which left a big area of dirt. We went outside to see that the kids had dug a hole there and were adding water from the pond. Well, I don't need to tell you that this all resulted in a giant mud fight, that made for some good picure taking.

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