Sunday, October 15, 2006

We've been really busy lately it seems. Sean was out of town for a few days last week, so that always adds a little extra work for me. He does help me so much with the kids. The weather is so nice lately, it puts me in the mood to reorganize, rearrange, and just in general find things to redo. Our community allows 2 garage sales a year, so we have been busy getting that together and ridding ourselves of all kinds of unneeded things. Friday night we had a BBQ with nana at our house. She loves Baby Back Ribs. We had a good time grilling and watching Sean do the yard. Go Sean! You're the Man! Then on Saturday we woke up did the garage sale and were out of the house and on our way to San Diego by 1:30. Whew!!! We are here now and enjoying our time here with mom and Earnie until Saturday. Today we went to the pier to get some tips on lobster fishing, which we will try sometime this week. Then later Sean got a hankerin' to go to Tijuana. That was interesting. Been there before, but always a little nerve racking with 4 kids. We got some chile covered fruit, corn cut from the cob w/butter and parmesean cheese on top, passed out some change to ladies carrying 3 or 4 year old children in slings on their backs (I'm barely able to carry Ben around the mall in his sling), and we were pretty much out of there. Each day now is unplanned; just go with the flow. It's Relaxing!!!

1 comment:

Candy said...

Oh man I wanted to see new pics...sounds like you all are having a fun time though...Hugs candy and Kya